Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vocabulary Words This Week

Here are the vocabulary words for this week:

Secondary One:
1. to arrange in a straight line; adjust according to a line.
2. to join with others in a cause.

Secondary Two:
1. to temporarily join end something such as a meeting or a trial.

Adjourn to:
1. to leave one place and move to another.

Secondary Three:
1. to stop something from happening or continuing

Secondary Four & Five:
1. to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.
2. to make less severe.

Monday, May 31, 2010

It's the HOLIDAYS!

Dear all students,

It's the time of the year again! We have all worked hard for the past 2 terms and now it is our long-awaited break. Enjoy yourself during the break but please do not forget to complete your HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT before you return to school! :)


I can almost hear you retort "WHY MUST WE HAVE HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENTS?"

Well, the holiday assignments are created for you so that you do not waste precious time. Bearing in mind that without practice most of us (even teachers) tend to forget things we've learnt, the holiday assignments are created so that you will practice what you have learnt and would take time to improve on your grammar, writing and reading skills! :)

HOW do you know what assignments you have?

For English, you have TWO assignments:
1) Grammar (Lower Secondary), Compilation exercise (Upper Secondary).
2) Book Review (ALL levels)

Please look into your litespeed (e-portal) for more information. If you have any queries, just leave a comment here! :)

We (your beloved English teachers) strongly encourage you to complete your assignments.
We also wish you a happy holiday and happy learning! :)

Education for Life!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sec 2 Learning Journey to NEWater Plant

Currently, the Secondary Two students are going through a LAP module focussing on NEWater. Therefore, to further enrich the learning experience, we brought the students on a Learning Journey to the Bedok NEWater Plant.

The students experienced an outdoor learning, whereby they used samples of different materials to test the level of acidity (using the Universal Indicator). They were also brought out in a guided tour around the plant. Prior to the visit to the NEWater plant, students have been reading about NEWater. Students appreciated this hands-on activity.

Below are some pictures of our students, enjoying themselves at the NEWater Visitor's Centre: